
What Are The Benefits Of A Business Debit Card: A Deep Dive Into The Uses And Features!

Business Debit Card

A business debit card brings forth a multitude of benefits. With a Revolut business card, you can enhance your team’s and company’s expense management system. Moreover, business cards make it simpler to monitor spending and transactions. This also helps accounting, tax management and bookkeeping systems. Companies can easily keep a check on their employees’ expenses and stay aware of how the organization’s funds are being utilized. If they want to follow a budget control option, they can do it easily with a business debit card. Business debit cards from Revolut also make foreign transactions easy and quick, at real exchange rates. If you want to introduce your team to these functional cards, then keep reading to find out more.

What is Revolut?

Revolut is a financial services platform that specializes in addressing individuals’ financial needs. Its primary focus is to assist people with various financial tasks, including international money transfers and financial planning, through analytics. The platform offers a wide range of services tailored to both personal and business requirements. Users can strategize their savings, engage in investments, and utilize advanced tools to improve their businesses.

What are the benefits of using a business debit card?

1. Company Expense Management

With business debit cards, you can easily manage the expenses and transactions incurred by all the employees. There is no need to note down each and every transaction, plus the chances of fraud and faulty transactions are reduced. Whether you choose a virtual debit card or a physical one, secure spending and card control are possible.

2. International Payments

You can spend in 150 currencies at real exchange rates. There are no hidden fees and the pricing is fully transparent. Borders won’t stop your business, and that’s a Revolut promise.

3. Secure Transactions

The anti-fraud system of Revolut is highly efficient and powerful. The security system will flag suspicious transactions and also has extra verification options to ensure maximum safety. The cards are 3D secure and the contactless card limits protect you from fraudulent transactions.

4. Better Team Control

You can easily control your team’s spending and access. Create roles and decide which applications you want them to use. Moreover, you can also change their levels of access. Set spending limits for each team member or add payment approval options, it’s up to you! This way, you can ensure that your team’s spending is under control and that you can stay on top of your team’s finances.

5. Card Options

Whether you want a virtual card, a plastic one or a sleek metal designed one, there are many options for you. You can get about 200 virtual cards for your team and enjoy the benefits of Revolut’s system. If you want to opt for plastic cards, you can assign a maximum of three cards to your team. And the metal option is only available for paid plans and is available in gold and black. You can also add your company name to a metal card.

6. Easy Bookkeeping

Business debit cards ensure that there is no missing information and that all the transactions are recorded. When you manually take note of each and every transaction, it is prone to errors and information gaps, but these cards store all the transactions in one place, which makes it easier to combine them with automated accounting tools.

How to apply for a business debit card on Revolut?

If you want to apply for a business debit card on Revolut, then follow these quick steps-

  1. Firstly, decide on the type of card you want. If you are confused, then you can contact Revolut’s sales team. They will help you with advice and better team expense management. You can send them a contact request through Revolut’s official website.
  2. Now, sign up for Revolut business. There are three options for you- a corporate account, a freelancer account or joining a company account. Choose whichever option suits you best.
  3. Now, choose your ideal card and place your order! And you are done. You can decide upon the team’s spending limit, how many cards each team gets, and their accessibility options.

Also Read – What Are Revolut’s Metal Cards: Highlighting Revolut’s Metal Cashback Cards!



Business debit cards are a convenient option for owners and make expense management an easy process. They facilitate international payments, online transactions and easy bookkeeping. Functions like cash withdrawals and expense tracking are possible with them. Business managers and owners can set spending limits, check each and every transaction made and also opt for payment approvals. This ensures that employees are spending wisely and are using company funds for appropriate purposes. Also, there is no need to keep track of each and every employee and how they are spending the money. All you need to do is check their transactions and all the information will be right there for you. For more information, visit Frontceleb.


Are there any fees associated with business debit cards?
This depends on a number of factors. The type of debit card, brand used and functioning. Typically, business cards are part of a subscription or plan that requires a monthly payment. Sometimes, maintenance fees, transaction fees and even monthly fees are charged for these cards. It is ideal to keep track of the card’s conditions before choosing.
Can I use a business debit card to make international payments?
Yes! Revolut’s business debit cards let you make payments in 150 currencies at reasonable exchange rates. There are no hidden charges and the entire process is seamless and transparent.
What are the different types of business debit cards on Revolut?
There are three types of business debit cards on Revolut- virtual, plastic and metal. If you want to focus only on online spending and virtual transactions, then go for the virtual option. Three plastic cards can be assigned for each team member and they are a great alternative to physical cards. Metal cards are exclusive and come with paid plans, plus they are super stylish.

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