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Yellow Star

Best shampoos for dandruff for a flake-free scalp

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Nizoral A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Nizoral is a trusted medicated shampoo that effectively fights dandruff and soothes the scalp.

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Head & Shoulders Classic Clean Shampoo

This classic formula from Head & Shoulders provides relief from dandruff while leaving your hair soft and manageable.

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Neutrogena T/Gel Therapeutic Shampoo: Neutrogena's T/Gel Shampoo treats dandruff, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis.

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Selsun Blue Medicated Maximum Strength Dandruff Shampoo

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Dove Dermacare Scalp Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

click the button below each description. Achieve a flake-free, healthy scalp with one of these excellent dandruff-fighting shampoos!