
How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Nose: 6 Steps for Instant Results


Did you know that your nose is one of the most prone areas for blackheads and pimples? That is probably because of the unique structure of your nose, which makes it easy for dirt and oil to get trapped underneath. Blackheads are not just annoying but they can also be a sign of larger issues if left untreated. These small, blocked pores give rise to pimples that could lead to acne or leave behind scars on your nose. If you want to get rid of blackheads on nose fast, read on: Thanks to our fantastic users, this article contains fantastic advice on how to get rid of blackheads on nose fast and effectively.

Know What Causes Blackheads on Nose

Blackheads are caused by a clogging of the pores on your face. Excessive dead skin cells, oil and dirt get accumulated in your pores, leaving them clogged and black. Blackheads on nose are a result of a combination of factors. This could be low estrogen levels, excess production of androgens, genetic factors, sebum production, clogged pores, use of chemical laden products or even picking your nose. Blackheads are not just limited to your nose. They can show up on your forehead, cheeks and chin as well. Blackheads on Nose can be easily treated, especially when you know what causes them.

Step 1: Exfoliate

Exfoliation is one of the best ways to prevent blackheads on nose. It helps unclog your pores, remove dead skin cells and clear your skin. Exfoliating your nose at least once a week is enough to keep your pores open and prevent blackheads. Choose a scrub that contains Vitamin E and green tea, which are good anti-oxidants for your skin and will hydrate your skin. You can also use a face wash that is formulated for sensitive skin and contains mild acids. Make sure the facial wash you use does not contain sulfates and is free of fragrance.

Step 2: Steam Your Face

Traditional Asian beauty secrets state that steaming your face is one of the easiest ways to get rid of blackheads. It also helps to hydrate your skin and reduce any inflammation. Steaming your face for about 10 minutes can help you get rid of blackheads on nose and other breakouts. Add 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus leaves and boiling water in a bowl and place it on the floor. Place your face over the bowl and cover your head with a towel to trap the steam. Leave it on for 10 minutes and pat your face dry after the steaming session ends. This is one of the best ways to get rid of blackheads on nose fast.

Step 3: Use a Good Cleanser

A good cleanser can help you get rid of blackheads on nose and unclog your pores. Using a face wash twice a day, especially after sweating and before going to bed can help you get rid of blackheads. Choose a cleanser that does not have alcohol, is non-comedogenic and does not contain SLS. This will prevent your pores from getting clogged and will help you get rid of blackheads on nose fast. If you are using a face wash with a scrub, make sure you scrub gently. Excessive scrubbing can lead to skin irritation and can worsen the condition.

Step 4: Mask and Tuck in

If you are looking for an overnight solution to get rid of blackheads on nose, try this mask once a week. This mask is rich in Vitamin E and Green Tea extracts and will hydrate your skin and unclog your pores. Pumpkin is rich in antioxidants and can help you get rid of blackheads on nose. Other ingredients that you can find in this mask are Turmeric powder, which is anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants; Almond powder, which is great for dry skin; Cucumber, which can help soothe your skin and prevent breakouts; Yogurt, which is a natural cleanser and can help you get rid of blackheads on nose. After applying this mask, leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. You can also use a Clarifying face wash to get rid of blackheads on nose and help unclog your pores.

Step 5: Go for a Peel

A chemical peel is one of the best ways to get rid of blackheads on nose fast. It helps you peel off the top layer of your skin, unclog your pores and get rid of blackheads. A chemical peel is applied on the face and left on for about 20 minutes. The peel is then rinsed off and your skin is left with a new glow. A chemical peel is not just effective on getting rid of blackheads on nose but also on your hands, arms, and legs. This can be great for people who have hard-to-reach places on their face. You can also go for an enzymatic peel. This is an all-natural solution to get rid of blackheads on nose without having to deal with any side effects.

Step 6: Treatments for Constant Pimples on Nose

If your blackheads on nose are showing no signs of going away even after trying these tips, you can consult a dermatologist. A dermatologist can help you get rid of blackheads on nose by prescribing you treatments such as antibiotics, a retinoid or a topical cream. They could also recommend you Laser Resurfacing or IPL treatment, which are effective and are known to remove blackheads. These treatments will help you get rid of blackheads on nose and prevent future breakouts.


Blackheads are not just annoying but they can also be a sign of larger issues if left untreated. These small, blocked pores give rise to pimples that could lead to acne or leave behind scars on your nose. If you want to get rid of blackheads on nose fast, then you need to follow a skincare routine that is tailored to your specific skin type and needs. You can also use a few of these quick, at-home remedies to help decongest your pores and unclog your skin. If you follow these tips, you can get rid of blackheads on nose in no time. And better yet, you can prevent them from ever coming back again!